NJIT Picture

Name: New Jersey Institute of Technology

Major: Information Technology

Specialization: Web Development

Date Started: September, 2021

Date Ended: May, 2025

Location: Newark, NJ


Java Example

Title: Java

Purpose: Rolls a die to tell which number you land on.

Code: Click Here

Result: Click Here

**Note if you click on the links, you will leave the web page.**

Python Example

Title: Python

Purpose: Uses turtle to form shape.

Code: Click Here

Result: Click Here

**Note if you click on the links, you will leave the web page.**

C++ Code Example

Title: C++

Purpose: Find loan payment of money. (Amt, rate, periods)

Code: Click Here

Result: Click Here

**Note if you click on the links, you will leave the web page.**

Javascript Example

Title: Javascript

Purpose: Shows a message depending on the day.

Code: Click Here

Result: Click Here

**Note if you click on the links, you will leave the web page.**

Group Project Example

Title: Group Projects

Purpose: The prototype and objective of the Raven Books website.

Prototype: Click Here

Objective: Click Here

**Note if you click on the links, you will leave the web page.**

Photoshop Example

Title: Photoshop

Purpose: This is based on Zero Gravity.

Photoshop: Click Here

**Note if you click on the links, you will leave the web page.**